You did it. You finally got a website for your business, blog, hobby, or something else, but you just can’t seem to get visitors. So what can you do? Well, in this article, we’ll discuss five ways you can improve your website’s content. Why the content? After all, we all know there’s more to getting visitors than just having quality content on your website. Improving your page speed and search engine optimization are vital to building organic web traffic. But the fact is, if the content on your website isn’t up to par, then getting people to your site doesn’t do anything. Plus, you can even use these tips to improve your SEO ranking on Google. Remember, your SEO is based on things like keywords, engagement, and social interaction. All that means the more people like the content on your site, the better your ranking will be on Google.

1. Make Sure Your Content Is Up To Date

Having up to date content can help engage your viewers and make them feel like you’re really involved. Sure, things like your bio and company history probably won’t change that often, but make sure that it still looks fresh. If your bio has information about what you did in 2008, that’s great, but if that’s the last thing you have listed, people are likely to assume you’re not really active anymore and move on to a different website. If you release a new product or service, or if you have an upcoming event, it’s a great idea to showcase that on the front page so your audience knows right away what’s going on.

2. Start A Blog

One way to keep your site up to date is to start a blog. Not only can this keep your audience interested, but it can help bring in outside readers. Blogs are an excellent way to continuously add new content to your website. They also allow you to engage your readers in new and interesting topics that you may not be able to on your main site. When putting together your website you don’t want to force too much content onto a page, but on a blog, an excess of content is a good thing. You can post weekly, daily, however you choose.

3. Use More Images

When you go to a website, you don’t want to stay there if the homepage is just a block of text. Using content like images, videos, etc can help bring life to your website. If you need some quality free stock images, you can check out this blog post we did recently here.

4. Be Interactive

Chances are, when you set up your website, you had some ideas about what you wanted people to do when they got there. Are you selling something? Tell your visitors how to buy it. Are you writing a blog? Direct your readers to it, and make sure they comment and share. This is called a Call-To-Action or CTA, and having a strong CTA can be one of the most important things you do, because if somebody is on your website, the odds are they’re already pretty interested in whatever your website’s about. It’s your job to be their guide, and to show them exactly what it is you want them to do.

5. Get Social, But Keep A Direct Line Of Communication

Okay, so this one isn’t entirely about the content on your website, but it’s still important. Social media is becoming more important than ever, but you don’t want to rely on it as the only way you interact with your readers. Think of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as a way to get new visitors, but remember that you don’t control what content shows up on people’s news feeds. Keeping an email list, starting a podcast, or having readers subscribe to your blog can cut out the middleman and give you the control that you need.

What do you think of this list? Do you have ideas that we didn’t include? Let us know in the comments.

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